Sunday, June 01, 2008

Operations Management

Here's one post that I have had for long, penned down during a lecture some 2 years back while I waged war against the sin of sleeping during class...

Operations management is such a pain,
Everything is so obvious, what is the gain,
Trying to remain alert in class,
Will definitely one day drive me insane.

Productivity, strategy – the book definition,
Just taught to us using a different rendition,
And even the glittering slide show,
Fails to enhance my erudition.

I wonder what questions can come in test,
The mystery deepens despite trying my best,
And I realize what an uphill task it would be,
To differentiate the relevant from the useless rest.

A Japanese word is all I learn,
Waiting for the class to adjourn,
How others manage to remain so interested,
Is a fact that I will never be able to discern.

And as the end approaches I start to pray,
That nobody asks a doubt to prolong my stay,
The end brings with it a relief unbound,
I am happy to have survived another day.

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