Friday, August 25, 2006

A bird song

I dream that I’m drowning out,
I try to swim, to yell and shout,
But my cries do go in vain,
As nobody comes to alleviate my pain.

Oh apathetic world do hear my voice,
I am here not by my own choice,
I don’t remember how I reached this place,
All I remember last is a deathly face.

Long far off I see a ship,
Maybe some gay souls on a leisurely trip,
I wave and I shout trying to draw it near,
What if it leaves I am gripped by fear.

I see bright light and two loud bangs,
Here my life in the balance hangs,
And then the tide turns, there is a large wave,
Coming menacingly towards me, is this my grave.

I close my eyes and wait the end,
I end my struggle, what use to fend,
But still in my heart I pray and I hope,
That let not this be the end of the rope.

So many dreams that had to be covered,
So may avenues remain undiscovered,
And I am still so young, it’s too soon to go,
I need some time to let my thoughts flow.

A kind voice that echoes in my head,
Reminds me of what my dad once said,
Have all fun before the sunset,
So that when life ends, you have no regret.

And suddenly I’m embraced by peace and calm,
I instinctively know I’m out of harm,
I open my eyes to the chirp of a bird,
Don’t worry my dear, your message I heard.

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