Monday, January 29, 2007

IIM-L : Analysis Part 1

All through my stay here, i have come across people of diversity that has enabled me to grasp the real meaning of the word. And when i say diversity, i mean a diversity of attitudes. Here is the documentation of a few such attitudes:

1. People who live in a superiority complex. Every action of theirs revolves around the single objective of maintaining superiority. And that need not always be a bad thing. It adds within a fire always to win and the seeds of a never-say-die attitude are sown. Yet these people also live in a fool's paradise. Being good in one field is not good enough and they want ( and not aspire ) to be known as the authority in all fields. And this sometimes gives rise to a i-am-the-best syndrome in situation where clearly the person is not. Such people also desire to be praised and hence talk a lot about themselves.

2. People who have a single minded focus on a task at hand and will try and fulfill it by all means possible. Such types put in an inordinate amount of effort often without a corresponding result. But try they always do. People like these often skip parties and jaunts with friends to study. The fun of being here is lost on them. People like these sometimes irritate people like us (and i will not describe my type ) by submitting work when no-one else has done it. They become stressed by academic activities which also form the majority of their discussions.

3. Then there are the i-do-not-care type. And these type scare me the most, especially when they are part of my assignment team. i shudder to think what kind of performance would they put up in companies when taking up responsibilities is as alien a concept to them as any.

4. The genuine studs, and there are a few of such people around. Their minds work in a different stratosphere and is as sharp as a needle. They might appear to be laggards, often missing classes for no ostensible reasons, sleep all day and still be groggy when they wake up but when it comes to decision making, they present an angle many would never have fathomed. Clarity of thought is evidenced in their arguments which are mostly foolproof. They garner a lot of respect due to these god gifted abilities and generally don't squabble over such insignificant things as marks.

Then there are many many more, but then it's time now for me to wind up this part and indulge in an activity that i have come to consider the most important in any MBA's life -- watching movies.